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Entry Rules

Follow the instructions of the Refugio’s staff: The staff is there to ensure the safety and well-being of visitors and animals. Please follow their instructions at all times.

Maintain respectful behaviour: Visitors are expected to always maintain respectful behaviour. This includes not disturbing the animals, no smoking, no consuming alcohol, no littering, and not touching or manipulating sanctuary facilities.

Silence: Please keep noise to a minimum to avoid disturbing the animals. Cell phones should remain on silent or airplane mode throughout the entire tour.

Professional cameras and video equipment: The use of professional cameras requires prior permission obtained by emailing, with an associated extra cost.

Photographs with cell phones are allowed, but the use of flash that may startle the animals is discouraged. We invite you to enjoy the experience and take photos at the end of the tour.

Proper footwear: It is important to wear appropriate footwear for walking on uneven and possibly muddy terrain. Closed-toe shoes with non-slip soles are recommended.

Avoid using strong perfumes or bright colours: Animals can be sensitive to strong scents and bright colours. Therefore, it is recommended not to use perfumes or colognes and to avoid wearing brightly coloured clothing.

Respect restricted areas: There are areas in the sanctuary that are restricted to visitors. Please respect these areas to ensure the safety of the animals and sanctuary staff.

Accompanying minors: If visiting the sanctuary with children, please ensure they are supervised at all times. A maximum ratio of two children per adult is required.

Do not attempt to feed the animals: Please do not attempt to feed the animals. Besides being potentially dangerous, this can interfere with their natural diet and behaviour.

Adhere to hygiene standards: To prevent the spread of diseases, it is recommended to wash hands before and after visiting the sanctuary and not to touch the animals. Established hygiene rules must always be followed.

No pets are allowed.

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